

12       My doctor’s surgery was around the back in the annex of one of those old huge Edwardian mansions. Big windows, tall ceilings and freezing in the winter. The place about a twenty minute walk from Marge’s if a fast pace was maintained. It was ten-forty something when I strolled into the waiting room. Morning surgery had nearly finished so it was nowhere near full. Just a couple of kids with their mother. Dressed like twins but one was taller and obviously older. Anyway, they were on their way out and grizzled their way through the door. Near the front an older guy coughed as he sat with his elbows on his knees and the look of a heavy smoker. I’d seen him there several times before.   The reception desk was empty so I sat close to it opposite the old guy. Kept glancing at the door to the consulting room. Absentmindedly picked up a mag. A woman’s one. Then I noticed a copy of Melody Maker. A few weeks old but what the hell, it was better than staring at the wa...