
Showing posts from February, 2025


1     It was when I first saw Monkie and coincidentally the first time he saw me just before eight on a Saturday morning spring of ‘66 shortly after the train had pulled into the station. I felt rough, there was no doubt about that. So rough I felt lucky to be there considering how the previous night’s entertainment had gone. What with all the drink and then, of course, the hospital visit didn’t help.


2       As we wandered along the alley there was no time to wonder about Take Six man. I noticed Monkie was limping. Not so much though, just a bit here and there, but enough for me to wonder.


3          My head was right back into shape as I walked into the shop to stare at a frown that made Julie’s good looks unnaturally severe. Even ten minutes late needed an explanation. She didn’t say a word but her fingernails clicking the countertop demanded an answer. So, I told her I had helped a dying man at the scene of a car crash. 


4       At six I pushed the door and walked into what was, for a pub, a bright space. The big side windows faced west and on such a fine evening light streamed in. A quick glance around. No signs of trouble. That was the thing with going into a pub on your own especially with my pedigree. Sometimes trouble lurked. Fellas out for the night wanting a bit of spending money or, and this was even more relevant, some past acquaintance finally catching up and wanting to make things right was the commonly used expression. At the moment I was thinking of a fella in a light blue Take Six suit but he wasn’t in there. Besides, I’ve a memory for faces and names and could not place him anywhere or put a name to what had been quite a distinctive face.


5       I’m sure it was not difficult to miss any of M onkie’s cars . This particular one was parked right in the middle of the crowded car park near five scooters with all the accessories. A rusted pile of metal with an Austin badge on the front and paintwork that was more or less blue .  


6       After Marge had cooked us dinner, I managed to get Monkie to drag himself away from a very entertaining conversation with her so we could go and pick up the girls. The girl from the shop, Wendy, turned out to be one of those who wouldn’t stop yacking. By contrast her friend, Joan, seemed a bit… well, I don’t really know how she seemed, she was just so quiet. Her look made me think of eating beef stew with dumplings. Anyway, thinking we might have made a mistake with the chalk and cheese we stuck the two of them in the back and headed off. The thing was my heart wasn’t in it. I think I’d only agreed to call them because of Monkie insisting. The truth was I had something really meaningful on my mind that was making me nervous. Something only a trip to the doctor would resolve.


7       Even after we had written off the rest of the night it was still way past midnight when Monkie dropped me home. As I turned the lock I thought about it. How now and again an evening is quite often doomed by reasons outside of your control but in this instance it was mostly of our making. Two duff girls and a curiosity both of which we didn’t have to get involved with. The thing with my father was impossible to ignore though. The way I felt about him… well, you know how it is, if there was anything worth knowing I just had to find out. Now I had seen him in action so maybe I had just the beginnings of a bit of leverage.    Pushing the door until it clicked I crept upstairs, tiptoed past Marge’s door and into my room. Call the cops I thought as I undressed but decided not yet, I’d give it time. Besides, as I said, Don was not stupid and the proceeds were sure to be shifted tout de suite. In fact evidence might already be non-existent and if any police...


8       What this fella wanted was anyone’s guess but one thing was sure it was obvious serious stuff was occurring. My main concern: when one person watched others might be lurking somewhere in the background. Others who were sure to be of a not so nice disposition. But Take Six man stayed put, probably waiting for me to emerge from the front door. What the hell did he want? One thing was certain, I had no idea.    A thought struck me. He had watched Monkie scamming the green Jag driver. Had even stepped out of the Burger Bar onto the pavement chewing away on that cheese burger . To get a good view I assume. It must have been the show that had attracted him. Maybe he was a Monkie victim but if that was the case why did he not just cross the road for a confrontation. The impression I had was he was likely more than capable of putting his point of view across rather persuasively. He could even have had a word with green Jag man. Something was up and I had one ...


9       Monkie dropped me at the petrol station at ten minutes before two, plenty of time to do the changeover with the early shift man, Frank. Old man Frank. Sixty something and always with a bit of advice. The Rockers were in this morning so watch out, the boss was on the prowl earlier so keep your jerry can well hidden. Stuff like that. The same most weeks. Always being helpful and, I would say, he was. Nice guy, Frank, wore a long white coat. You know, one like doctors used. He said it made him look official but, judging by the two neat, palm width, oily lines heading down from his waist, it was mostly used as a rag. He read the counters, filled in the log and I signed to agree the numbers which had to be accurate. Get the gallons sold wrong and, as with Charlie the milk, the old pay packet took a knock. 


10                Mondays were usually a day of leisure for me. Up at the normal time, breakfast with Marge then a catch up with my social life. The one thing I always tried to do was visit my mother. She had brought her worried look to see Marge to check out where I lived the Monday morning after I moved in. I didn’t speak much. Marge made her a cuppa and did most of the talking so I wandered up to my room until mum shouted to say she was leaving. What they talked about I’ve no idea but when my mother left she smiled so from that I assume at least some of the words were good. Since then she’s only been once more. A bit of a disappointment for sure but then maybe trouble with my father kept her away. At least that’s what I told myself. One thing I felt quite strongly about, though, was if I didn’t go and see her perhaps there would be long spells of no contact.   


11       Moving closer to the window I leant on the sill and frowned right back at Take Six. This fella was now starting to really bug me big time. It was obvious he would keep showing up. One thing was certain, this business needed to get sorted. My mood was right so now was a good time. Did I need help? Not in my present frame of mind. Besides, if the guy wanted to do me harm he wouldn’t be waiting outside my house. That would’ve happened by now in some dark corner. He wanted something. I was convinced of that.   Grabbing my door key and with my teeth clenched, eyes focused on the car, I strode across the road. As I approached the passenger door swung wide and Take Six leant over, “Get in,” he grinned.